Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First post (after how many months): the beginning

On our first meeting in our AP 186 class (Instrumentation Physics II), we were asked to look for a very old journal and look for an obviously hand-drawn graph. My classmates and I went to the CS Library to look for an old journal, unfortunately the library was being renovated and the old journals were already tied up and they can't be accessed anymore. So our only resort was the NIP library.

After we returned from the CS library, I went to the NIP library and started looking for an old journal. The librarian told me that the journals were not yet arranged by year and that it will be hard for me to look for a certain journal. Still, I browsed through the titles of the books, and started looking for a very old one.

Unfortunately, the oldest that I found was in the year 1994. It was a book of abstracts for the 4th World Physics Congress (I think). From the browsing, I saw a "hand-drawn" graph, and I figured that if I didn't find other better graphs, I would use it.

On the other side of the shelves, thesis manuscripts were filed, undergraduate and graduate. the thesis were arranged by year, and there was a note on the side saying the year the thesis was made. Under the undergraduate section, the oldest one was for the year 1990-ish, not that old. So I ventured on to the graduate section, and there on the top shelf, with only about 5 books, was for the years 1950-1989 (I think).

So I went through all the 5 books and started looking for graphs. In the first book, there wasn't any hand-drawn plots. So I look at the other books. Finally, I found one w/ about 9 plots under the appendix section. The thesis was dated September 1973. The book is way older than me. :|

Anyway, I found 9 plots. I figured my classmates won't be able to find another book, so I thought that I'll photocopy the other figures for them. My ID wasn't countersigned yet, so the librarian asked someone (maybe from the CS library) if I could photocopy parts of a thesis manuscript. Fortunately, I was allowed to borrow the book for a few minutes to be able to photocopy the figures. Unfortunately, the NIP library didn't have any copier machine. So i photocopied the figures in our printer sa org (UPPA, thanks!). Then I scanned all the figures at home. And I had my digitally scanned hand-drawn plots for the first activity.


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